
Aéreo. Ataque. Superpoder.

Coste: 3.

Acción de Héroe (ataque): inflige 8 de Daño a un enemigo.

"¡Cuidado que voy!" —Spiderman
Caja básica #5. Spiderman #6-8.
Balanceo con patada


  • You are paying 4 ER (Effective Resources) for 8 damage, which is excellent.
  • Burst damage on this scale is great against retaliate (looking at you MODOK)
  • Great for focusing down a Villain stage or a troublesome high HP Minion.

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Francois · 219

Swinging Web Kick is a card from the core set that still holds up today. It has excellent art that really shows him swinging and then kicking the crap out of the villain. It is effectively 4 resources (3 + the card) to do 8 damage. That is really strong. The card can do a lot of damage to the villain and take down most beefy minions. It also has the superpower trait so cards like Deft Focus can help pay for Swinging Web Kick. I would personally change it to only 6 damage and a stun which is a lot more versatile, but I do not think it needs any changes.

Rating: (A-C) A-

tunicv · 636
I feel like this card just feels so satisfying to play. — I_am_Deadpool · 1
totally agree — tunicv · 636