
Cuando se muestre esta carta: inflige 1 de Daño a cada personaje amigo.

Aumento: Inflige 1 de Daño a cada personaje que controles.

Caja básica #154. Civiles en peligro #4-5.
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FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: What happens if I defend a villain attack with an ally with 1 HP and Concussive Blast is drawn as a Boost ability?

A: If a defending ally is defeated by a boost card effect, then the rest of the attack must be resolved as undefended. -(Developer Ruling , Hall of Heroes)

Last updated

Just got done in by this card when using Deadpool..

What previously was a card that didn't do much..now it's a hero killer for Deadpool (in Wade AE mode...)

Flipped down to AE, hp dial to 1 and added an acc. token... Encounter drew this and killed Wade off....:(