Villano. Stage 1


Attack: 3. Scheme: . Salud: 14.

Cuando se muestre esta carta: inflige 3 de Daño indirecto a todos los jugadores que tengan adoptada su identidad de Héroe.

Interrupción obligada: cuando el Duende Verde vaya a ejecutar el Plan, en vez de eso quita 1 contador de Locura de Estado de locura.

Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
El Duende Verde #1. Negocios arriesgados #1.
Duende Verde
Villano. Stage 1

Empresario. Genio.

Attack: . Scheme: 2. Salud: 14.

Interrupción obligada: cuando Norman Osborn vaya a atacar, en vez de eso coloca 1 contador de Infamia sobre Empresa criminal.

Interrupción obligada: cuando Norman Osborn vaya a sufrir cualquier cantidad de Daño, en vez de eso quita esa misma cantidad de contadores de Infamia de Empresa criminal.

Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
El Duende Verde #1. Negocios arriesgados #1.
Norman Osborn
FAQs (taken from the official FAQ or FFG's responses to the official rules question form)

Q: Will a stun status card prevent Norman Osborn’s attack activation?

A: Yes. Because status cards take priority over all other abilities, a stun status card will prevent Norman Osborn’s activation. -(Official FAQ)

Q: While Green Goblin is attacking, if the last madness counter is removed from the State of Madness environment through a “Boost” ability, what happens?

A: Green Goblin immediate flips to Norman Osborn form. Boost icons from the boost card are then added to Norman Osborn’s ATK value of *, which is treated as a value of 0. Norman Osborn then deals damage from the attack equal to his modified ATK value (base of 0 ATK, plus the number of boost icons on the boost card). In this specific situation, Norman Osborn’s “Forced Interrupt” does not trigger, as the attack is already past the point of “When Norman Osborn would attack...” by the time he changes to his Norman Osborn form. -(Official FAQ)

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