

Attack: 0

Vincula esta carta a Calavera. Usos (2 contadores de Munición).

Interrupción obligada: cuando Calavera te ataque, quita 1 contador de Munición de esta carta y descarta la primera carta del mazo de Encuentros → sufres tanto Daño indirecto como el número de iconos de Aumento que haya en la carta descartada.

Patrick McEvoy
La Tiranía de Cráneo Rojo #64. Calavera #7.
Ametralladora de Calavera

According to page 32 of the Rules Reference under:

USES (X “TYPE”) When a card with this keyword enters play, place X all-purpose counters from the token pool on the card. The word following the value establishes and identifies the type of uses the card holds. Each card with this keyword also has an ability that references the type of use established by the keyword as part of the cost. After the last all-purpose counter is removed from a card with uses (and the effect resolves), discard that card.

Thank you, I was looking exactly for this <3 — Siegfried · 1