
Cuando se muestre esta carta: todo Esbirro Hydra que esté enfrentado a un Héroe ataca a ese Héroe. Cada jugador que no sea atacado de este modo busca un Esbirro Hydra en el mazo y la pila de descartes de Encuentros y lo pone en juego enfrentado a él. Baraja el mazo de Encuentros si se ha buscado en él.

La Tiranía de Cráneo Rojo #147. Asalto de Hydra #6.
Errata: Changed the shuffle ability to only occur if the encounter deck is searched. (RRG 1.4)
¡Hail, Hydra!

Should read: “When Revealed: Each Hydra minion engaged with a hero attacks that hero. Each player who was not attacked this way searches the encounter deck and discard pile for a Hydra minion and puts it into play engaged with them. Shuffle the encounter deck if it was searched.” (Changed the shuffle ability to only occur if the encounter deck is searched.)

Put in the RulesReference

Freakmod · 110