Widow's Gauntlets are the glue that makes her Signature package sing. This low-cost Resource generator may only target a specific type of card, but the combination of the 8 Preparation cards included in her kit plus her Hero ability to ping for 1 damage each time she triggers one keeps this spicy. Add in some Aspect and Basic Preparations, and between 25% and 50% of your deck can be Preparations.
Comboed with her Safe House to keep drawing those Preparation cards over and over, Widow consistantly says "no" to the Villain over and over while chipping away at their hp.
Finally, these Gauntlets make some of the "meh" Preparation cards like Target Aquired and Espionage excellent, as they are played for "free" and also do a damage when triggered.
For Widow, this is an "S" tier card. Play it as soon as it comes up, it powers her entire engine.