

Vincula esta carta a Kang.

Interrupción obligada: cuando Kang sea atacado, descarta Escudo temporal → evita todo el Daño de este ataque e inflige 1 de Daño al atacante. (Máximo de 1 por ataque.)

"¡Deponed esas armas pueriles! ¡Para mí son sólo juguetes!" - Kang
Frank D'Armata, Karl Kezel, & Jorge Molina
Antiguo y futuro Kang #14. Kang #14-15.
Escudo temporal

How does multiple copies of Temporal Shield work? Does the same attack trigger both (so you would take 2 damage, but both Shields would be discarded)? Since they are seperate instances of damage, I could use an Energy Barrier charge on each one (as long as I have the charges)?

I feel like the "Max 1 per attack" answers this. Only 1 gets triggered per attack — Stretch22 · 846