

Coste: 0.

Interrupción de Héroe: cuando un Aliado controlado por ti ataque, recibe +3 ATQ para ese ataque. Después de resolver ese ataque, descarta a ese aliado.

"¡En guardia, diablo! ¡No vencerás tan fácilmente!" —Dama Sif
Bryndon Everett
Bruja Escarlata #29.
Un último asalto

I love the design of this card. 3 damage in 1 card is incredible, but part of what makes allies the best card type in the game is the ability to soak up a big attack with their last point of health. This makes for an interesting decision both in how we choose our allies during deckbuilding and in gameplay. You are more likely to use Last Stand if your ally is already a huge beater and you would have wanted to attack with it anyway. I personally look forward to using this with Goliath.

Conclusion: Last Stand makes it into the sweet spot of card design that is neither unplayable nor a staple but should always be in consideration based on your strategy and supporting cards.

Stretch22 · 664
It's nice when a card like this shows up to shake things up a little. — neothechosen · 10739
@Stretch22 Wasp or Spidey could fish for it and use it as a finisher together with something like Pinpoint or Swinging Webkick.. — zachertz · 13
Could easily be 16-18 damage with two allies — zachertz · 13

Last Stand is a better card that it initially appears. This is because when using Last Stand with an ally's final remaining health associated with consequential damage, the consequential damage triggers prior to the full attack resolution. Comments below here show this has been nuanced. While Hero Interrupts occur before consequential damage, the discarding condition provided by the Hero Interrupt triggers after consequential damage has already been dealt. This is because consequential damage is part of the attack resolution, and the discard is described as occurring after attack resolution. Since the ally has already been defeated by consequential damage, there is nothing to discard. See

"If I use Last Stand on an ally that has 1 health and would take 1 consequential damage after that attack, would the ally be discarded by Last Stand or be defeated from the consequential damage? Last Stand states that the discard happens “after that attack resolves”, is taking consequential damage a part of resolving an attack?"

Answer: "Consequential damage is considered part of that ally’s attack, so that ally would be discarded via consequential damage, before Last Stand’s effect would discard it."

Why does this matter though -- ally is gone either way, so what's the value in the distinction? Others hinted it can return Starhawk to your hand even with the buff granted. True. I consider Med Lab the more overall beneficial combination, however. You can use Last Stand, have your ally die from consequential damage and trigger the condition for them to end up in the Med Lab. Them coming from the Med Lab can be superior from Make the Call or Rapid Response, since when played from the Med Lab, they are played "as if [the ally] was in your hand." Since several cards have restrictions on entering play abilities from your hand (think Eros, Ironheart, etc.), this allows you to still trigger that ability on the ally. The downside is they enter exhausted.

Martymaus · 204
Thanks for finding that. I was wrong in another review on this page — Stretch22 · 664

Which is the correct tempo of this card if I use it with a Starhawk? The consequential damage is part of the "resolving the attack" sequence, so, I can get Starhawk back to my hand?

Or the damage is dealt after the attack, so, Last Stand prevails and it is discarded?

wehehe · 204
The closest ruling I can find is in a question about Tigra where Caleb Grace says "Dealing consequential damage is the very last thing that you will do when you use an ally’s basic THW or ATK." That would lead me to rule you discard Starhawk before you get it back to hand. I couldn't find a rules reference entry on "resolves", but I don't know how you'd order "After that attack resolves" (Last Stand) and "After an ally attacks" (Rules reference - consequential damage) otherwise — Stretch22 · 664
The Rules Reference Guide v1.4 says this about Consequential Damage: "Consequential damage is dealt to an ally after resolving abilities that are triggered by the ally attacking or thwarting." That sounds to me like Last Stand would cause Starhawk to be discarded before Consequential Damage was applied, and before you could trigger his Interrupt to return him to your hand. — biodude · 263
The reviewer Martymaus found a relevent HallofHeroes ruling that says Starhawk will come back to hand because the consequential damage happens first — Stretch22 · 664