

Coste: 0.

Interrupción: cuando un Aliado que tenga una Mejora Arma realice un ataque, descarta Prácticas de tiro → ese Aliado recibe +2 ATQ para ese ataque.

"Nos lo están poniendo muy fácil." - Starlord
Starlord #17.
Prácticas de tiro

Every time I see this card, my brain interprets it as being an Event. It's not! It's a Support! Which means you can set it on the table and wait for the right moment to use it. Between a set of Target Practice and a set of Pulse Grenade, you could have most of your share of a villain's final stage dealt with the very same turn that stage begins.

Two damage for the cost of one card is pretty good just from a raw value perspective. Though the set of enablers is, at time of writing, fairly limited.

Fry · 262