Agente 13
Sharon Carter


S.H.I.E.L.D. Espía.

Coste: 4.
Salud: 4.
Attack: 1. Thwart: 2.

Respuesta: después de que la Agente 13 ataque o intervenga, elige un Apoyo S.H.I.E.L.D. → prepara ese Apoyo.

"Llevo en todo mi cuerpo las cicatrices del pasado. Pero soy más que eso. Ahora soy la mejor. Más fuerte. Más sabia."
Motivos siniestros #46.
Agente 13

Ignoring the response, Agent 13 is reasonably efficient at thwarting over time, clocking in at 6 thwart + block or 8 thwart for 4+card.

The response can be pretty good, though. The list of SHIELD supports is not terribly broad, but there are standouts. Helicarrier in particular refunds Sharon's resource cost over time, bringing her value to "card + time = 8 threat removed." Wow!

For specific heroes, you get solid additional targets: Safe House #29 and Alpha Flight Station are strong card drawing engines. Jefferson Davis lets you go harder on threat removal. And piling up more ammo on Munitions Bunker can enable a massive burst of damage.

Fry · 257