

Coste: 1.

Interrupción de Héroe: cuando un personaje amigo vaya a sufrir cualquier cantidad de Daño a consecuencia de un ataque, evita 3 de ese Daño. Si has pagado el coste de esta carta usando un recurso , inflige 3 de Daño a un enemigo.

Nova #3. Nova #2-3.
Proyección de campo de fuerza

This is Nova's star event. Preventing three damage for 1 resource was already decent, but retaliating for 3 damage is just the chef's kiss. Sure, it requires a wild resource, but it is not hard to find those in his deck, and there are ways to increase access as well. (Power In All Of Us, Resourceful)

It's too bad the attack and thwart events in his deck weren't as impressive.

MacGhille · 267