

Coste: 2.

Requisito ().

Acción de Héroe (intervención): quita 1 de Amenaza de cada Plan secundario. Inflige 1 de Daño al Villano por cada Plan secundario que se haya derrotado de este modo.

Spiderham #14.
Igualar las posibilidades

I'm not too fond of the design of this card, in that the usefulness is vastly dependent upon the number of players in the game. Not only does the amount of threat removed directly scale to the number of players, but the average number of side schemes in play for it to affect also scales to the number of players. I thought Maria Hill was better with more players, but that is nothing compared to this card.

It also depends a lot on which enemy you are fighting, but presuming you are not tuning your deck to a specific enemy, I would say that with one player this card is worthless, with two players I would rather have Multitasking, with three players this is a very interesting card that you often won't play but will sometimes be amazing, and with four players this card is getting fairly impressive as it is a good card when there is one side scheme and incredible when there are multiple.

cnalexander · 144
VERY useful against Drang when you play with 3-4 players ! He has tons of side schemes in his scenario. :/ — Onsentape · 1
I'm actually glad for some cards getting designed like this. Most cards that are strong in solo play aren't so great in 4-player games. For example Clear the Area is easy to accomplish in solo and even with 2 players. With 4 players, when Side Schemes are entering with 10+ threat on them, it's hard to get that extra card without some serious team planning. Sure you could play it on another player's turn, but if your turn has already passed, then that card draw is nearly useless. So I'm okay for them to occassionally make cards good for 4 players, even if they're not useful for solo play. — eapfel · 1