

Coste: 2.

Usos (2 contadores de Acero).

Respuesta de Héroe: después de que se descarte una carta de Estado "Duro" de Coloso, agota esta carta y quítale 1 contador de Acero → dale a Coloso una carta de Estado "Duro".

Génesis Mutante #6. Coloso #5-6.
Acero orgánico

Does this card protect Colossus from piercing attacks? I mean, piercing discards all your tough status when the attack begins. Can I use this in response to that to regain one of the toughs before the attack resolves?

wehehe · 235
It does! A designer answers the question here: https://hallofheroeslcg.com/official-ffg-rulings/ Search "Organic Steel" — Stretch22 · 966

When you use the 2 steel counters, does the card stay in play or it's dicarded?

Valniir · 1
Discarded. See Rules Reference 1.6 - "Uses" — Stretch22 · 966
The Uses keyword means it is discarded after all counters have been removed. — Cameson · 8