
Vehículo. Patrulla-X.

Coste: 3.

Recurso: agota el Jet-X → genera un recurso para un jugador cuyo Superhéroe tenga el rasgo PATRULLA-X.

"¡Forja se ha superado a sí mismo con esta maravilla!" -Bestia
Génesis Mutante #20.

In solo with an X-Men hero, this card effectively has the "Hero Resource" header, but in multiplayer, this can be flexibly used for any X-Men identity - even if your own hero is in alter ego mode. It is a fine card that gets the same review as other resource generators: Great early and bad late. This averages out to a very playable card, especially if you are expecting a long game. In multiplayer, I would be inclined to make sure at least one player has this in their deck.

Stretch22 · 835