

Coste: 1.

Juega esta carta sólo si tu Superhéroe tiene el rasgo PATRULLA-X.

Acción de Héroe: busca un Aliado PATRULLA-X entre las 5 primeras cartas de tu mazo y ponlo en juego. Si ese Aliado continúa en juego al final de la fase, añádelo a tu mano.

Tormenta #20.
"¡A mí, mi Patrulla-X!"

I'm having a doubt with this card.

At which point of "End of the phase" does it trigger?. I mean... In the rulebook, the end of the phase has 3 steps:

  1. Discard any number of cards, discarding down to hand size.
  2. Draw until you have cards equal to hand size
  3. Ready all cards from all players.

I'd say that you must resolve its text before the first step of the sequence, so, that ally is taking one space in your hand, but I'm not sure of it. Anybody can clear that refering to any specific rule?

wehehe · 234
I was wondering the same thing until I checked a card that gives you "+1 hand size until end of the phase". — Delipha · 1
Sorry for the spam ,but I pressed "Enter" for new line and instead got my comment posted. Anyway, the card is just as bonkers as you think it is. It has the exact same wording "Assess the Situation" and so I can only conclude that it works in that same way, otherwise "Assess the Situation" won't work at all. — Delipha · 1
I'm in agreement with Delipha. The 3 steps you list from the rules reference are what is done "to end the player phase". So the ~end~ of the player phase happens after these steps and therefore after you draw up to hand size. Makes this card way more powerful than I thought as it basically costs 1 ER! — Stretch22 · 884
So the end is after the end of the end. Somehow it makes perfect sense :) — venomik · 1

This card is currently the cornerstone of my Cyclops deck. I made the deck a full 50 cards, and 20 of them are X-Men allies. Due to all of the searching this deck does with Scott Summers, this card, Cerebro, and other effects to goes through itself pretty quick. This card is simply amazing. Grab an ally, drop it, ready a character with Utopia, and use whatever effects you want. You can either then throw the ally away with a card like Noble Sacrifice (since it isn't sticking around anyway), or hold on to it and have an extra card on your neck turn. For Scott, this is an amazing next turn as your hand looks the following:

  • Draw 6 cards for being in Alter Ego
  • Draw the X-Men up from your play area. (7 cards)
  • Next turn, use your Alter Ego ability to get a Tactic, which includes this card! (8 cards).
  • Use Cerebro to get another ally. (9 cards)

You now have a 9 card hand to play any allies in your hand, and if you have Uncanny X-Men in place, they cost -1 as well!

"To Me, My X-Men" is a major aggressive force in a core Cyclops deck.

Soulfire · 40
That's the exact way I like to play Cyclops, too! Just a heads up, you can only search for an *Upgrade* Tactic with Scott's Constant Training ability. — captainsaulo · 22
@Soulfire do you mind sharing your Cyclops deck? I'd love to try it! — FluffDaddy · 121