

Coste: 2.

Acción de Alter ego (intervención): quita 3 de Amenaza de un Plan. Si con esto se quita la última ficha de Amenaza de ese Plan, confunde al Villano.

"Yo soy el ladrón, chére...y vas tú y me robas el corazón."
Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Gambito #9. Gambito #12-13.
Encanto criollo

I love that I can play this in Alter-Ego, but HATE that I can ONLY play it in Alter-Ego. Breaking and Entering - while it can only be played if you're a SPY or THIEF - is an Action (Thwart) so it can be played in either form.

I understand the theme they're going for, but hate the implementation.