

Coste: 2.

Interrupción de Héroe: cuando vaya a completarse el Plan principal, retira esta carta de la partida y pon en juego un Plan secundario que este en la zona de victoria → traslada 4 de Amenaza desde el Plan principal hasta ese Plan secundario.

Próxima Evolución #13. Cable #15.
Salto en el tiempo

This card is so remarkably on brand for Cable. You toss out an upgrade that literally prevents you from failing, shunting enemy resources away in order to throw a "Hail-Mary" pass. But it costs you, by removing a resource that enhances Cable's events. What a perfectly designed card.

MacGhille · 268
Especially nice on a scenario with multiple main schemes, allowing you to choose when best to use it. Never a first play for me, but late game I never feel bad about using the Superpower training player scheme (usually the last scheme I play with Cable) to grab this. Almost like a one time Under Surveillance with benefits of reusing a useful PSS (Call for Backup or Establish Perimeter probably). — MQ2 · 48