
Cuando se muestre esta carta (Alter ego): Sufres 2 de Daño indirecto.

Cuando se muestre esta carta (Héroe): Juggernaut ataca al Aliado que tenga menos Vida restante.

Aumento: inflige 1 de Daño a un Aliado que controles.

Próxima Evolución #128. Juggernaut #14-15.

At first glance this seems like a strong card, nothing really out of the ordinary. Juggernaut can grow quite large in attack and he has a built-in way to get overkill, which means that it's very easy to tear through our life. But we also have the ability to remove some of that power by flipping his helmet.

However, in this particular scenario, where we need to play Hope Summers, this becomes one of the most obnoxious solo encounters that I've seen. If you draw it without any other ally in play you autolose, because Juggernaut will attack Hope Summers and defeat her. This means that you need to keep an ally around as a meatshield or you're risking outright losing the game regardless of board state, which is somewhat difficult.

Just imagine this scenario:

  • It's turn 1, you start developing your resource economy with a Helicarrier and maybe also an identity-related upgrade.

  • Juggernaut attacks and you block, taking some damage in the process.

  • Now you draw the encounter card for the turn and, surprise, it's Trample. GG, you lost.

The difficulty to play around it and how swingy this card is, makes Juggernaut a frustrating villain to play against.

huevobeans · 23