Doug Ramsey



Cost: 2.
Health: 2.
Attack: 1. Thwart: 1.

Respuesta: despúes de que Cifra ataque e inflija Daño a un enemigo confundido, roba 1 carta.

"Tu lenguaje corporal me dice todo lo que necesito saber para vencerte."
Mariposa Mental #13.

Cypher is comparable to Ironheart, a Champions staple, for a deck that can frequently confuse. Cypher has a great ability that encourages you to give him extra hit points to draw more cards, but there aren't that many ways to do it for the X-Force trait or in Justice. In basic, you can give him X-Force Recruit (and other Honorary-s depending on your hero), or you can play multiplayer with a Leadership partner. Even on his own, Cypher pulls his weight, so feel free to include him in any deck that confuses and doesn't mind an off-trait ally.

Stretch22 · 512