
Aéreo. Táctica.

Coste: 2.

Acción de Héroe: agota un personaje AÉREO que controles y elije un jugador → inflige 3 de Daño al Villano y a cada Esbirro que esté enfrentado a ese jugador.

Ángel #29.
Bombas fuera

I have mixed feelings about this card. I sometimes want it to be an attack event, so I can use Honed Technique with it, but there's value in being able to deal damage when it's not an attack (gets around guard). Archangel can still boost it to 5 damage but other Aerial characters feel more limited using it. It forces you to bring more aerial allies into your deck, so you can utilize it more without exhausting your hero.

DoxaLogos · 238

The great thing about this card is that it is a Hero Action and NOT an Attack Action. Vision with Solar Gem (i.e. becoming Aerial, required to play this card) in play really likes this card, because he can stay Intangible.

t0biwan · 2