

Cost: 0.

Interrupción de Héroe: cuando Honey Tejón intervenga o ataque, añade el atributo correspondiente de X-23 al atributo de Honey Tejón para este uso.

"¡Choca esos cinco!" — Honey Tejón
Ted Brandt & Ro Stein
X-23 #7. X-23 #10.
Vinculo entre hermanas

This is one of those times that I think one copy kind ruins the card's appeal.

This is a fantastic card that plays directly into the synergy between X-23 and her intrinsic ally. But to only allow it to happen once? So sad.

I get that X-23 and Honey Badger synergize so well that they decided to be careful. But I honestly think that the X-23 pack would be better with two of these and one less Claw Mastery. Particularly since you can only use one of those per round.

That said, this can be a devastating card on a round where X-23 fully buffs her ATK with X-23's Claws and Claw Mastery.

I just feel like X-23 is so susceptible to retaliation and has to make so many attacks in a game, that another copy of this card would be reasonable.

But it would probably make it so that X-23 was only played as a Honey Badger voltron deck, so maybe they made the right call?

Nah. Give me two of these and let me worry about which aspect I play X-23 in. lol

MacGhille · 234