

Coste: 2.

Juega esta carta sólo si tu Superhéroe tiene el rasgo MÍSTICO.

Acción de Héroe: Elige una opción:

• Cura 3 de Daño a un Superhéroe.

• Quita 3 de Amenaza de un Plan.

• Inflige 3 de Daño a un enemigo.

La Era de Apocalipsis #51.
Hechizo básico

This will never be the strongest card in your deck, but it is surprisingly good. The value of a 2-cost Event that could do one of these things would be underwhelming, but a 2-cost Event that allows you the option to do any one of them is strong enough that it's worth considering.

Basic Spell will always be weaker than equivalent-cost aspect options, but its strength lies in its flexibility and ability to do things your aspect is bad at. Basic Spell is never a dead card; worst-case scenario, you turn it into damage to the villain. But it lets you remove threat in a pinch if you're not in Justice, heal to prevent (you or someone else!) needing to flip down to Alter-Ego if you're not in Protection, or get some extra burst damage if you're not in Aggression. Or just do more of whatever you're already going for if you don't need anything else!

Basic Spell is not an auto-include card, but it is a nice way to add some versatile burst to any Mystic deck!

Leethus · 96

This is a great card designed to cover up for your aspect's weakness. It is not meant to make you "win more", but to spackle over the thing you are lacking in at the moment. This lets an Aggression deck heal itself to buy more time, or let a Justice deck get an annoying minion out of its face, or have a Protection deck smack away a side scheme on a turn where it exhausted during the villain phase and can't use its native thwart.

This card is extra good for Mystics with economy boosters, such as Magik playing it off the top of her deck or Stephen assisting in paying for it with his artifact.

Soulfire · 40