

Coste: 1.

Puedes controlar 1 Mejora adicional que tenga la palabra clave Restringida.

Recurso: agota la Cola prensil → genera un recurso para un Evento.

La cola de Rondador Nocturno le permite efectuar ataques que nadie más puede.
Rondador Nocturno #5. Rondador Nocturno #4.
No image

Can I use the resource generated by Prehensile Tail to pay for a Make the Call? It is not the cost of the event, but I'm resolving its effect, and this makes me doubt. Also, about make the call I'm never sure of how to use "power of" Resources, can I double leadership, the one which matches the ally, both, none?

wehehe · 228
Nevermind about the second question, it is clearly answered in the "Make the call" Page. — wehehe · 228