Anna Marie



Coste: 4.
Salud: 3.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Acción: inflige 1 de Daño a otro personaje amigo → hasta el final de la ronda, Pícara gana todos los Rasgos de ese personaje y añade sus puntuaciones impresas de INT y ATQ a sus correspondientes atributos. (Límite de una vez por ronda.)

Rondador Nocturno #12.
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Rogue is a monster of an ally whose stats can often reach 4/4 every turn! You can always trigger her ability by targeting your identity, and in fact this should be preferred to targeting an ally (though Professor X or Nick Fury can afford to take an extra damage). Rogue is also hands down the best X-Men to carry a Protective Training, and in a deck with 3 Game Time she can go absolutely bananas. One of the most exciting cards from Nightcrawler for me and worth using many deck slots to optimize.

Stretch22 · 860
If you can get Rogue a friend with toughness she can touch them for a tough card! — Patrix · 6
Not quite sure what you mean by that. Using a tough to only prevent one damage is a pretty weak use of it — Stretch22 · 860