

Thwart: 2. Attack: 2. Defense: 2.
Salud: 10. Hand Size: 5.

Atracción magnéticaAcción: descarta cartas de la parte superior de tu mazo hasta que se descarte una carta Magnético → añade esa carta a tu mano. (Límite de una vez por ronda.)

"No tengo por qué justificar mis decisiones."
Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Magneto #1. Magneto #.


Recover: 3.
Salud: 10. Hand Size: 6.

SupervivienteRespuesta: después de que cambies a esta identidad, coge las 3 primeras cartas de la parte superior de tu pila de descartes, añádelas a tu mazo y barájalo.

"Todo lo que he padecido, y todo cuanto he hecho, ha sido para la preservación de la especie mutante."
Andrea Di Vito & Laura Villari
Magneto #1. Magneto #.
Erik Lehnsherr

Magnetic Pull offers fairly radical flexibility. In the worst case scenario, a free draw is no less than one extra resource, so he can act as a resource engine ala Jubilee and Nova. Of course it’s possible the Magnetic card drawn could be quite clutch if you’re lucky, and you can decide how you use drawn cards as you pull them. What’s more, the involvement of a discard means that you can potentially use this to willfully cycle your deck (if you’re eager to redraw a bomb card or know most of what’s left of your deck is flak) or trigger cards like White Fox or Digging Deep.

It isn’t all sunshine and roses tbc; you’ll want to try to “count cards” to mentally recall what’s left in your deck, as you may find yourself discarding something you were waiting on if you aren’t careful (though again: you’ll cycle back around soon), and of course WHAT you draw is gonna be a tinge random (it’s always a drag pulling a Magnetic Mastery when you were hoping for something to SPEND resources you already had on, for example). Ultimately I find him to be powerful on good turns, but it’s a bit random when you might not be so lucky. I’d strongly reccomend considering something like Plan B, Blackout, or stable uses for burning a single resource as he can have more problems than usual with “I tragically have a remainder of 1 card after a playing the rest” than most characters already do.

You’ll also want to remember that Magneto's Armor and Magneto's Cape effectively turn Mags into a “Basic Spam” character that benefits heavily from having upgrades that increase his stats further (and cyclically, from other effects that ready him if you go this route). Your effective extra draw can help you stack these rapidly, and leave your already quick-cycling deck that much leaner in the process.

If he’s otherwise worth it compared to other hero options may come down to taste, but however you’d appraise its weight overall, Magnetic Pull is certainly wildly versatile, as abilities go.

TheNue · 1