
S.H.I.E.L.D. Soldado.

Coste: 4.
Salud: 3.
Attack: 2. Thwart: 2.

Respuesta obligada: después de que Nick Furia (Padre) entre en juego, elige una opción: quita 3 de Amenaza de un Plan, roba 2 cartas o dale una carta de Estado "Duro" a un personaje S.H.I.E.L.D.. Al final de la ronda, si Nick Furia (Padre) aún sigue en juego, descártalo.

Agentes de S.H.I.E.L.D. #54.
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Nick Fury Sr is a notch below the OG but still very strong.

  • 3 threat vs 2 threat: Nick Sr is better
  • Draw 2 vs Draw 3: OG Nick has the advantage. This is how he is used 95% of the time, so drawing 1 fewer card does lower Nick Sr.'s ceiling
  • Give S.H.I.E.L.D. tough vs 4 damage: Two very different effects, useful at different points in the game, call it a draw

If you are building an optimized deck, original Nick will still get first priority, but there's no reason you can't play both. They play well with ally ready effects like Command Team due to their 2nd hit point usually going to waste. They have lots of front-loaded value, avoiding the low tempo issue some other allies have. They help you draw through your deck fast to get to your best cards. Sr is a staple-level card that might not enable any splashy new archetypes but will provide power and consistency to a wide number of decks.

Stretch22 · 975