Lead 'Em Ant-Man! (League)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Jötenheimr47 · 2

This deck was built for a League that my friends are in. It only went up against Absorbing Man (outside of campaign mode). The league randomizes villains, modular sets, difficulty, and heroes/aspects. This Round was Absorbing Man/Weapon Master vs Ant-Man Leadership. Points based on Scheme leftover, Villain/Minion HP, and Hero/Ally Hp and win % of 3 games.

Ant-Man did well all three games, with the second game filling up on Scheme.

First Game, Giant Stomp dwindled AM down for both stages, then Ant-Man Hank Pym and Scott Lang did the final blows.

Second Game, The mvp was Hit and Run, when I drew those consecutively with a tiny Ant-Man.

Third Game, Make the Call was my mvp since I called Wasp back in the game to deal the final blow.

This deck may not work well with other villains, but it did fine for AM.