Red Hulk, GMW Edition

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Descrygaming · 288

Welcome to Red Hulk, GMW edition.

Let’s talk about hulk’s weakness and strengths. Hulk has a very small hand size, stun slows him down, poor thwarting, and cannot hold on to cards in hero mode. Strengths for hulk: highest hit points in game, high attack value, and great damage dealer.

The biggest problem I wanted to remedy was his hand size. Helicarrier, quincarrier, def focus, and hall of heroes is the best answer with this card pool in aggression. Why no mansion? Because it’s 4 cost. Also, hall of heroes synergies well with the cards we have “looking for trouble”, and “angela”. “Jarnbjorn” synergies with “quincarrier” and the fact hulk is attacking a lot with his basic and events.

I do not have a easy answer for stun, only suggestion is if your against a encounter deck with many stuns you can substitute for “get over here” 0 cost 1 damage but it removes stun.

Thwarting will be covered mostly by allies: “lockjaw” and “sentry” are your best thwarters, but bug can also thwart for 1 constantly. You will need to stay in hero more often, “drop kick” to stun and chump blockers: “spider girl”, “Angela” and sometimes “lockjaw”.

To avoid wasted cards in hero mode: use “jarnbjorn” and “lockjaw” if you have a dead hand.


Nov 10, 2021 therberuth · 1

I used this deck to start a multiplayer GMW campaign and it worked very good.