Wasp - Giant-size Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

JWalton77 · 1302

When I saw One Way or Another I immediately knew it would be a card that I would love. So when deciding what kind of deck I wanted to try it with, I knew it needed to be with someone who could knock out side schemes quickly. Enter Wasp. She’s able to get to a 4 Thwart in Giant form with Heroic Intuition and her helmet. That should be good enough for most side schemes in solo. Besides, it seems I have a love for the Wasp hero that many do not share so I wanted to have my first ever published deck be for Nadia.

The goal of this deck is to maintain control of the board state long enough to get all of its necessary supports and upgrades into play. Once that’s achieved you can just Pinpoint Strike the villain to death. Pretty simple.

Wasp should be in Giant form most of the time, using her basic Thwart to keep the main scheme as low as possible. Her impressive damage events should handle any minions that dare approach her, and cards like One Way or Another and Nick Fury should provide all the card draw/resources she needs to get her necessary supports and upgrades into play.

But the engine that makes most Wasp decks go is of course G.I.R.L. So you want to make sure to flip down whenever possible to shuffle your two best targets back into the deck. Early on that’s going to be Genius and Nick Fury if available, and late game you can keep getting back Pinpoint Strike.

Try to play the Quincarrier, Helicarrier, and Avengers Mansion when you can. There are 2 The Power In All of Us to help with that. While it might seem like there aren’t enough valid targets to make that card worth including, thanks to G.I.R.L. it’s kind of like you have multiple Nick Fury’s to take advantage of its double resource. And the Quincarrier and Mansion both have mental resource icons as well, so you can always shuffle them back in later if you discarded them earlier.

Once Wasp has Heroic Intuition and her helmet, her base Thwart will be 4 in Giant form. Then combined with cards like Making An Entrance and Rapid Growth she can push it even higher. That should allow you to easily clear any side schemes in play and clean up the main with her ability to spread her Thwart around multiple targets.

Skilled Investigator, Turn the Tide, and Justice Served are all there to take advantage of clearing all the side schemes that One Way or Another will be feeding you. I only included 2 copies of OWoA because I’ve found 3 is probably too many. There are only so many side schemes in most encounters, and usually there are some you just aren’t going to be willing to reveal. So you do have to be a little careful with it. And it only allows you to fetch from the deck, not the discard pile, so you can’t just keep clearing the easiest one. But you should be drawing so many cards that 2 is enough to get it when you want it.

The allies are there to help with some damage as well as blocking. Eros and Quake are especially good in decks that want to flip down as much as this one does. Quasar is more help to clear schemes, Fury is card draw and a block, as is Ironheart.

Other than the allies there isn’t really a plan for defense. Giant Wasp does block for 3 if needed, but she probably wants to Thwart every turn so try not to. Making an Entrance and Pym Particles provide a decent amount of healing so if I don’t have a blocker I’ll often just take the hit and then heal later.

The Sonic Rifle is a nice-to-have if you can get it out. It gives you two free flips down without having to worry about the villain scheming. And it’s a mental resource so you can get it back with G.I.R.L. if you want. But even without it I found Wasp’s thwarting potential strong enough to catch up on the scene most of the time, so don’t feel like you have to have it.

One final note: even though this is primarily a Giant Wasp deck, don’t forget that sometimes it’s better to be Tiny to get the most out of Pinpoint Strikes. And some turns you might not want to flip down to Alter Ego, but maybe you can get a few extra damage out of Small But Mighty by changing to Tiny form.

I haven’t played this as much as I would have liked, but the games I did play I absolutely dominated. She just handles all the threats that come her way so well. So if you want to try some new cards and maybe blow the dust off Wasp give this a whirl!