Adam Warlock Low Cost version (cheapest allies, low utilitie

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Thierry · 2

Was not pleased with the obvious build : good allies with useful abilities. Those were usually way too expensive while Warlock's own cards are way too good to be used as energy.

So I went for a cheap alternative with very low cost allies, draw and discard pile manipulation. Just deck yourself the fastest you can while deploying Warlock tools (cape, senses and obviously, Soul World). In the meantime, use your small allies to clean the board and play Adam as if you were playing Protection : block and trick.

So far, tests are excellent (solo : all my decks are usually build for solo). Toughest part, imho, is getting the right mindset to play it : discarding good cards, better decking than playing etc. Sometimes, I felt bad/idiotic playing the way the deck asked for.

So far, played the Mad Titan campaign up to Thanos in Expert mode with no loss (three times each scenario, the third played with the worst possible starting hand).

Building options : do not add good allies with a 3 casting cost. They are too costly, you'd better play a bad 2 cost and a card from Adam set.

Only cards i'm still unsure are Heroic Intuition ( and Shake it Off. Still looking for better options. If you have any suggestion...

Wasp is still on the verge. I mostly used her as an emergency 1 cost blocker or 3 damages card. Not the best but usefull.

Too bad White Tiger can be played from discard pile or deck. This non combo is a pity but he's way too good to be left over. You can opt for Maria Hill, way better combo. If you play in Standard mode, make the shift. In Expert, better play tiger (or maybe I'm biased toward him ? Maybe, may be...)