Wax On; Wax Off

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

thebrandt · 967

This deck is built around Knowhere and Guardians of the Galaxy to fuel heavy card draw. Once these are in place you can play allies and upgrade them every turn to do what they need to do and then they can block for you and be on their way.

The deck is named due its nature of placing a pile of cards on the table (including Nebula’s techniques) and then removing them all every other turn or so.

The deck is thick at 46 cards but can be trimmed down if you prefer 40 cards by removing Power in All of Us, 2x Reinforced Suits, Team Building Exercise, Drax, and one of the Guardians of the Galaxy cards.