Rocket Raccoon - Ever Vigilant With a Plan

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

GreenT · 9

Once Rocket Raccoon has Thruster Boots in play, Ever Vigilant and I've Got a Plan are an amazing combo! With both cards in hand, you can thwart for three, ready and thwart for four, and then ready and thwart for four again with an additional 2 threat removed from the main scheme with Ever Vigilant. Removing a total of 13 thwart! Not a bad plan at all!

Ever Vigilant and Schadenfreude is a nice combo too. You can get an additional attack from readying Rocket for even better healing. The extra ready for an attack feels even better once Rocket gets +1 ATK from Cybernetic Skeleton too.

Defensive Training is a great way to be able to use Ever Vigilant even more with each cycle through your deck. Rocket will be going to Alter-Ego here and there to make use of his Tinkering action and/or to recover, so Defensive Training can be used quite often. If there aren't any weapons or battery packs ready to be discarded when Rocket goes to Alter-Ego, discarding a partially-used Energy Barrier isn't a bad trade for drawing two cards either.

With Med Team, you can get even more value out of your allies. Healing Star-Lord makes the encounter card you got from him seem way more worth it. Groot can last even longer so you can potentially have him in play for the rest of the game to use Flora and Fauna plenty of times. Each time healing Gamora is an investment in drawing more event cards, and Salvage can get back a weapon or other desired tech card discarded while she was fishing for an event. Healing Drax for additional big hits on the villain is nice too. With Knowhere, there's no problem having all four allies out at once. If you're playing with someone who's using one of these allies as a hero, Charlie-27 is a good replacement ally since he fits well with this strategy too.

Shake it Off provides an easy way to give Rocket or Groot a tough card. With a tough card, Groot can heal damage that got through his responsive healing while also defending against a big attack. Giving Rocket a tough card to stay in Hero form longer isn't a bad move either. Down Time and Endurance also help him spend more time in Hero form as well.

Rocket Raccoon in Protection is surprisingly versatile. He can deal with a substantial amount of threat, make use of his weapons and allies to deal out plenty of damage, and also diminish damage taken thanks to Shake It Off and Energy Barrier. If you enjoy playing heroes that get substantially stronger as the game goes on, this is a fun deck to try out! I hope you enjoy it!