Mean, Green, Justice Machine

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Dishbird · 14

First off, this deck is not great solo. It is also not great for multiplayer where it is the only deck doing any threat control.

The original idea when I built it was to take damage w/ Great Responsibility and use Gamma Slam for maximum effect, however I realized that She-Hulk is a good candidate for Great Responsibility (admittedly a very mediocre card at best) because of her high HP combined with her starting Recovery value of 5. Add Endurance and Down Time to these and you take Great Responsibility from low effect to very good effect. I have been able to prevent 8 threat by taking 8 damage before, for 0 cost.

This deck is really a decent damage-dealer with a moderate amount of threat control. Use your basic action to attack and One-Two Punch to attack again.

Its most recent version includes 3x "Think Fast!" instead of x2 Assess the Situation and a second copy of Concussive Blow, which I think was a good choice as She-Hulk's hero hand size is only 4, which limits your resource pool. I haven't tested this latest iteration but I suspect it will be an improvement.


Nov 10, 2021 Capitan Viterbo · 347

Think Fast can be used only by a Guardian identity. You can't play it in this deck, sorry.

Nov 11, 2021 Dishbird · 14

Thank you, @Capitan Viterbo. I realized that right after I published the deck. I'm going to remove it and republish it in its previous form.