Black Panther [Leadership] - For King & Country

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

bmay511 · 304

Take command of Wakanda as her rightful King, and lead your loyal friends and allies into battle for the good of the Kingdom!!! WAKANDA FOREVER!!!

The main mechanic behind this deck is bringing allies in for massive amounts of attack power, (usually only for one turn), and it's inherent synergy relies heavily upon this concept. Use Sneak Attack and Quinjet to "cheat" the conventional cost curve, and bring otherwise expensive allies in both quickly and easily. And if that doesn't work, Black Panther is the perfect hero to pay for the expensive cards in the conventional manner, predominantly due to his three kit cards of Vibranium, which each yield a double wild resource. Either way, once the Allies are on the battlefield, then the real fun begins ...

Use the ally's basic attack or thwart upon entering play to deal with whatever problems the current board state may present. Use Get Ready to ready them again, and do it multiple times if necessary. Then, use Go Down Swinging or Last Stand to pack a massive punch, and do a tremendous amount of total damage before they leave play. Captain America particularly synergizes quite well with Go Down Swinging due to his conventional printed cost. Futhermore, Giant Man and Goliath can hit for 7 and 8 ATT respectively, by using their basic ATT upon entering play, their printed ability, and combined with Last Stand. Hit the villain hard, and wipe out any minions as they pop up and become engaged with you, or any other players!!! For whatever reason you need an ally to stay around a little longer, buff them up with Power Gloves or Reinforced Suit for some lasting staying power and efficacy. And if you manage to do most of the above on the same turn you play Wakanda Forever, (and all of Black Panther's upgrades are out), you can easily knock out the villain and possibly win the game in one turn!!!

Feel free to experiment with a few other card combinations, and most importantly - have fun!



Nov 14, 2021 bmay511 · 304

EDIT: after publishing this deck, I realized that three copies of Make the Call would benefit this deck greatly. There aren't enough allies in this deck for them to keep "naturally" drawing them into your hand and thereby playing them every turn, and Make the Call allows you to dig into your (or another player's) discard pile and get them right back again. Wash, rinse, repeat ...

Nov 14, 2021 bmay511 · 304

@Neothechosen - I've always appreciated your analysis and critiques. Let me know what you think!