Leaders with Energy

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mr.Strange · 16

This deck was built to compliment the War Machine deck "Boom, you lookin' for this?", which is justice aspect. War Machine has excellent damage already, so giving him a focus on early / reliable thwart means Iron Man can afford to spend several turn in Alter-Ego form at the start of a scenario, to build up his upgrade and support cards.

"Sneak Attack" is the key card here - allowing you to play huge-cost allies from your hand for just 3 cards. (Sneak Attack, the ally itself, and 1 resource.) The deck then re-uses those cards immediately with Command Team, Inspiring Presence, or Earth's Mightiest Heroes. And maybe even sends them off via Inspiring Presence or Go Down Swinging.

Quinjet is a cheap alternate way to play allies - substituting time for resources.

The deck also tries to load up on energy resources to better fuel both Repulsor Blast and Captain Marvel. The decklist might not look like it loads up on energy, but once you remove the cards that stay in play, you should be cycling 50% or better energy cards, which should help those cards sing - especially if they enter/leave play frequently.

The goal here, unlike most ally decks, is to get allies into play and out of play FAST. Not make them stick around.

Since this deck is made to play with my War Machine deck, the War Machine ally is a dead card (but a wild resource!) - but Two Against the World is always ready to be awesome.