Nebula - It’s all in the technique

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Chimalli · 34

Nebula is a fun character to go through the deck fast. This deck is all about going fast and using as many of the techniques at once!

I built this deck to draw as many cards as possible and have the resources to play all the techniques possible. Then use Lethal Intent to activate the techniques before they are removed. You want to have the extra resources out to play Lethal Intent with.

End note: this is the first deck I’ve published so I might’ve missed something.

Edit: I did in fact miss Daughters of Thanos and added Rapid Response to double dip.

Edit 2: I removed Rapid Response and Sneak Attack after actually reading them. Added Regroup, Triskelion, Innovation, and Band Together. You go through the deck so fast in fact that I constantly had a lot of allies in my hand.


Dec 09, 2021 InigoMontoya · 4361

Love it! My deck is very similar. I love how fast she goes through cards. I really love that getting your obligation is actually a good thing there.

Have you tried Go Down Swinging instead of Strength In Numbers? I found that the only thing she was missing is consistent/burst damage. Plus, there were rounds where I just couldn't put another ally on the board because she was already at 4.

Dec 09, 2021 Chimalli · 34

Thanks. Yeah, I considered Go Down Swinging and the Thwart version of that. I had similar problems with ally limits, and that would help. But, I really like being able to activate a ton of techniques with damage and thwart. I’m still tinkering with the deck so I’m sure I will eventually try that before I’m fully finished.