Gamma Slamma

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Gamma Slamma 0 0 0 2.0

Precon Recon · 630

Welcome back to Precon Recon, where today we're going to look at the efficiency beast that is Spectrum. For our general thoughts on her kit, feel free to stop by our BGG article here:

EDIT: This deck has been updated with a new edition; you can either check out the changes with the link to the new deck (in the Inspiration For section) or you can see the sparknotes of the changes at the end of this description.

Made of Pure Energy

Spectrum, both in the comics and in Marvel Champions, is a powerful hero, no matter how you look at it, and the best way we felt we could showcase such a force to be reckoned with is through Aggression. Frankly, she would have a good home in any Aspect, but this is the one we've found best represents her and performs exceptionally well.

When mulliganing, this deck is pretty straightforward; dig for those resource generators (Energy Duplication, Deft Focus, and Martial Prowess) and get them into play ASAP. You want to be able to pay for at least 1 card with your resource pool every turn since most of her deck is fairly expensive. Otherwise, you'll be looking for Speed of Light or any events that might be helpful for the given villain.

Once your resource tableau is in place, you have a lot of freedom to cover whatever is needed based on the situation. Let's take a look at the different tools at your disposal:

  • Allies: You have some heavy hitters here with varying costs, letting you get someone to the table depending on your needs. Hulk is here strictly to defend for you when you don't have the option since your core stats are so valuable. Tigra is here to deal some serious damage and is great at removing minions as needed. Blue Marvel is an option to change forms, but frankly, he's the least valuable of your allies IMO, and using him as a wild resource can be clutch depending on the situation.

  • Events: While you already have some powerful events in your deck, we've included a few more, all with a focus on excess damage. Using your wide resource pool, you'll be able to wipe the board clean and get some free healing out of the deal. This is further assisted by your-

  • Upgrades: While some might find them to be a strange choice, Follow Through is great for furthering the excess damage you are dealing, and you can always toss one to protect your energy generation cards if the villain forces you to. Combat Training is obviously great for making Spectrum hit like a truck, and Ready to Rumble will let you swing all the more often.

With all that in mind, Spectrum can be a phenomenal team player, thwarting or defending as the table needs it all while dropping baddies left and right. Some might wonder why we wouldn't add Surprise Attack to this deck, and while it could be good here, we wanted a deck that focused on the excess damage angle. We may, however, see its addition down the road based on further plays.

Thanks as always for checking out our work, and feel free to let us know your thoughts down below or on our Discord channel, where we regularly update our Precon Recon decks:

Removed Cards:

  • She-Hulk: I don't know that I've ever seen this card hit the table. It's so damn expensive, and frankly, Spectrum always has better stuff to spend her cards on.
  • Wasp: While Wasp is a great ally, she is being better highlighted in another deck for synergy purposes.
  • 1 copy of Follow Through: Follow Throughs can be nice, but rarely do I ever get more than 1 or 2 to the table. They can be nice but are by no means fantastic, so I think nixing one isn't the worst call here.
  • 1 copy of Ready to Rumble: While Ready to Rumble is a great card for Spectrum, she often wants to stay in Aggression most of the time. She flips often, but not so-so often that I feel the need to give her 2, especially when another particular hero (probably) needs it more than her.

Added Cards:

  • 2 copies of Drop Kick: Spectrum is made to stomp with events, and with her ability to generate 3 free fists in Gamma form (once her engine is up and running), this card is kind of a no-brainer.
  • 1 copy of Chase Them Down: A great thwart option for a character who's looking to hunt down minions whenever possible.
  • 1 copy of Plan of Attack: If there's the odd turn where Spectrum doesn't have an attack event or all her cards target minions when you need to smash face, this will almost always get you out of a bind.