Rocket's Blazing Crew

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lightningjak · 19

Deck designed thematically around the Guardians where Rocket leverages leadership allies with Comms Implant and Honorary Guardian with Guardians of the Galaxy "Team" card for a minor draw/cycling engine and combines well with Knowhere for the same purpose. This accelerates setup of Rocket's key cards like Thruster Boots and his weapons kit. Blaze of Glory combined with C.I.T.T., I've Got a Plan, and Command Team can deliver an explosive turn of Thwarting and/or damage dealing (ie. Drax ally or others).

This deck also includes War Machine and his Team-up card given that it was designed with an IronMan/Justice pairing in 2-player (or 2-handed) mode. For this pairing, Rocket handles thwart in the early game while also setting up his kit, while the IronMan player mostly remains in Alter-Ego until the IronMan suit is built. Make sure to prioritize putting the Honorary Guardian on the War Machine Ally so your Team card stays active. As a bonus, you could put the Honorary Guardian upgrade on the IronMan hero so he can benefit from Blaze of Glory, which is particularly nice once he has his arc reactor out.

Resources economy is solid mid-to late game but can be hit or miss early game. With 6 cards that deliver a value of 2 resources, you're likely to see 1 of them after the mulligan which is important to get set up in that first turn.


Jan 26, 2022 Scotobot · 168

Sadly, Team ups don't work like that. You have to be playing one of the identities on the card to include it in the deck. From the latest rules reference:

"In order for a player to include a card with the team-up keyword in their deck, that player’s chosen identity must match one of the named characters."

But it looks like a fun deck. Since you are going for thematic decks, you could just ignore that rule and play how you want.

Jan 26, 2022 Lightningjak · 19

Ah thanks for the clarification on The Team-Up mechanic. I'll include a 2nd Power in All of Us to replace it.