Just a Guy with a Bow

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromundaman · 107

This is a deck revolving around attack events. Quiver and Plan of Attack allow you to find events in your deck. Quiver also lets you scout your next hand, then Plan of Attack or Assault Training can allow you to reshuffle your deck if that hand doesn't look great. Theoretically this should make the dreaded resource hands impossible, as well as let you reshuffle cards for later that you're not ready to use yet.

The Allies, Endurance and Moment of Triumph are there mostly to keep Hawkeye in hero form. This is why they all cost 2 or less, and most of them will probably never swing. He's a squishy hero and needs the chump blockers and healing if you want to keep him in hero form, and you do. The only times I want to switch down are to collect the Hall of Heroes cards.

Quinncarrier, Helicarrier and Mansion can serve both as support for allies or resources to play your many events. Enhanced Awareness is there for the same reason.

Battle Fury allows Hawkeye to shoot more arrows per turn, so that's why it's in the deck. This means shooting that vibranium or explosive arrow into a minion then popping moment of triumph is a great idea and makes him excellent for the hero killing role.

Hand Cannons are there mostly so that you're sure to get one early and you can use that as a fusillade target. This allows you to use Fusillade and arrows in the same turn. It also doubles as a good attack boost if you don't want to refresh the bow for whatever reason and attack instead. I might end up reducing this to one hand cannon in the future, but wanted to ensure I'd always have one out.

I mostly play Multiplayer so it wouldn't be this deck's job to maintain threat control, but if need be Chase Them Down can be reshuffled into the deck with Assault Training. Combined with his Sonic and Cable Arrows, he should be able to help out if the threat starts getting out of hand, but this won't be a main thwarter build by any means.