Iron Man Justice Tech deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

d20woodworking · 47

The rough idea is to get different tech cards out there for Iron Man to grow his hand size. The first round, generally I like to stay on Tony's side unless the game absolutely pushes me to go to Iron Man. But Justice allows me to stay on Tony's side for longer then use Multitasking and Clear the Area for dealing with scheme. If the enemy can't be confused, I would probably switch out Sonic Rifle for One way or the Other, allowing me to draw up more cards and be able to generally clear out those side schemes with Clear the Area and/or Multitasking.

Here is a playthrough against an enemy that starts with high thwart, collector 2:

Still working on some of the kinks but justice usually makes heroes that are not generally able to be solod, solo-able.