"And Hulk... Smash"

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Mathman83 · 13

When I started recently I bought the Core set and the Hulk hero pack. I didn't know nobody liked Hulk, though I still had fun with it. After buying a few more packs I decided that I could make a deck around the Hulk ally to get my needed Hulk smashing fix. That's what this deck is. There are ten cards that are not physical resources. One is Cap's shield and one is Hulk (ironically) so you have at most 8 non physical resources to worry about and almost all of them are mental. So the odds of drawing energy or wild and Hulk hurting everyone is very low. The odds of him doing 15 - 25 damage for one card, two resources (one when Steve Rogers plays him) and a few discarded cards is very good.

Meanwhile, all that physical means your drop kick will always stun and let you draw a card. Between the drop kicks, the heroic strikes and Mockingbird, the villain is pretty paralyzed while Hulk crushes him. And it is so fun.

I beat Rise of Red Skull campaign on expert pretty comfortably. Zola was a little tough, but Hulk could hit a minion for three, and then damage Zola for two without taking retaliate damage, which was nice.

Anyway, I know it's not the most powerful deck, but I found it worked very well and for all us Hulk-aphiles, it is a ton of fun.