Spider Sense

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jdmaze · 7

Smetch Rat games Sinister Motives play through deck list.

This is a pretty standard build for Spider-Man - Peter Parker protection.

This is a damage avoidance build that wants to trigger Electrostatic Armor, Flow Like Water, Unflappable and Hard to Ignore. E-static Armor and Flow Like Water pick at the villain until we can get big strikes with Web Kick.
Preemptive Strike helps avoid damage along with doing damage back to the villain. Side Step and Subdue help to avoid damage to trigger our cards. We have double draw when we don't take damage.

I put Nick Fury into this build in place of Miles Morales Spider Man since we have Miles as a player. I prefer Miles in a true solo play through.

I have found Night Nurse to be a very valuable card. Since we exhaust to defend more often, a stun can slow you down. Having the ability to remove status is very good. It has turned out to work very well for multi player as well.

Most cards are 1 cost, so I don't have Strength or Energy resources in here, but they can be added back in if you find yourself looking for resources often, but Nerves of Steel covers a good portion of card play.