S.H.I.E.L.D. the Earth

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
S.H.I.E.L.D. the Earth2 0 0 0 1.0

Precon Recon · 630

Welcome back to 1-2-Punchboard's Precon Recon, where today we're revamping Captain Marvel with the full SHIELD package! If you want to check out our thoughts on her core cards, feel free to stop over here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2727362/1-2-punchboards-precon-recon-captain-marvel

Expensive Operations

If there's one thing that can be said for the SHIELD build, it features a lot of high-cost cards. For every 0-cost event, there's a 4- or 5-cost ally that is waiting in the wings to make their move, and you'll need every resource if you're going to afford it. Luckily, this build also features a lot of energy resources, just what the Captain ordered. All in all, this deck works to get a SHIELD tableau set up as quickly as possible, enabling it to operate while you swing for big damage.

Mulligan for this deck is a little weird:

  • Alpha Flight Station: A great way to sift through your cards, and it features the SHIELD keyword meaning you can exhaust it for many card effects.
  • Quincarrier: While this deck could feature Helicarrier instead, this allows you to pay for Captain Marvel's hero ability every turn while drawing an extra card.
  • Government Liason: A free resource for a SHIELD card every turn is never a bad thing.
  • Other early-game permanents: There are a lot of solid picks of what cards to get into play, so long as they start developing your board state. Field Agents are cheap and sets up allies, Surveillance Team sets up for Monica Chang, and Sky-Destroyer is a fantastic card to get out every for some significant free damage.

As you may have guessed, Captain Marvel's core cards generally take a back seat, and that's not an entirely bad thing, as there are a few cards that have become very sub-optimal over time, such as her Helmet or Crisis Interdiction. Instead, you'll be working to get as many SHIELD cards into play over time to set up for Dum Dum Dugan's eventual appearance for huge damage, playing Homeland Intervention, and allowing you to invest your turns in Photonic Blasts and Energy Channel.

To start, you'll want to get as many low-cost cards into play, such as Field Agent, Surveillance Team, and Quake. Ideally, you'll have two of your Surveillance Teams in play for Monica Chang to buff up, along with the third she summons. You'll gradually bring in more expensive allies with the intent of using Field Agents to support them, all the while getting your more expensive tools into play until you find your table flooded with cards that all combine in an interworking clock of effects.

You'll pay for all this with your Alter-Ego card draw, which you'll often need to use on yourself, your hero power in tandem with Quincarrier, Alpha Flight in Alter-Ego, and your insane resource cards. It may seem excessive o have as many resource cards in the deck as there are, but you'll likely find that you'll have enough cards in your hand at a time where you won't have to worry much about not having cards to pay or not having the resources to pay for it.

Not the most complex build, but one that I find satisfying and fun to trigger as you create unstoppable momentum. Thanks as always for stopping by, and be sure to head on over to our Discord channel to keep updated with all our most recent content: https://discord.gg/Cf68TY8KTu


May 19, 2022 Onsentape · 1

Your deck is awesome thanks a lot ! Massive mess of cards on the board ;D

Dec 25, 2022 darthrevan187 · 1

Thanks for this build. I like it :-)