
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I designed this deck on a whim, but it seems to have some really big turns (i removed twelve threat and did 9 damage in one turn and that wasn't even the optimal play this deck would allow if the nuts were drawn)

the premise of this deck is to have allies out (keep them alive) that can combo with other cards such as Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Strength in numbers, Avengers Assemble, Teamwork, and Mighty Avengers.

i would say after the first pass through, getting Friction Resistance put is a must, also Deft Focus, both of these allow you to restand multiple times for basically free. having an Ally boosted with Avengers Assemble, Mighty Avengers, or Lead from the front grants a huge attack/Thwart boost to Quicksilver and combine that with a maximum Velocity and some Always be running, you are gonna wallop the villain so hard they won't see it coming.

Lets not forget that you can beef up you Defense power and that allows you to defend and restand once on the villain phase for free every turn!


Apr 25, 2022 Nezumi · 33

Looks similar to the Quicksilver deck I used last night to run through the Sinister Motives campaign with my friends. I had a few more allies (Kaluu and Stinger are good here) as well as Adrenaline Rush and Civic Duty for some really massive turns.

Highlight of the campaign was against Venom Goblin where I was able to remove 12 threat from his schemes turn 1