Spider-Woman - LEAD/JUST - S.H.I.E.L.D Teamwork Lunge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ghostwes · 14

With Dum Dum Dugan and Field Agent, you may assume this deck wants to get him out and reduce his consequential damage when he attacks... that is not the case. Rather, Dugan should be mostly treated as a resource that stays on the table, to be used to fuel Teamwork in order to provide extra THW or ATK for Spider-Woman. The Field Agents (and/or other SHIELD cards) can be exhausted to increase this bonus, as can Inspired (which should be played on Dugan and left there).

The deck also contains a lot of relatively cheap aspect cards, to facilitate increasing Spider-Woman's attacks and thwarts even more.

So, on a good turn, with Dugan on the board with Inspired, three SHIELD cards that can be exhausted, and a Teamwork in hand, we will be able to generate 9 ATK or THW.

Spider-Woman inherent ATK/THW = 1

Exhaust Dugan with Inspired = 4

Exhaust three SHIELD cards to increase Dugan's ATK/THW = 3

Teamwork triggers Superhuman Agility = 1

That's 9 ATK or THW for one "lunge" action.

There is some investment to get to this point of course, but the rest of the deck is solid and has some good potential for combos, such as Agent Coulson + Rapid Response, Homeland Intervention for removing threat and also increasing Spider-Woman's ATK/THW before the "lunge". You will often be using S.H.I.E.L.D. cards to help pump Dugan or Homeland Intervention, rather than their intended purpose.


Though having Dugan on the board is ideal, the deck works fairly well until that happens, and there are a good amount of resource cards to help pay for him (though I think Meditation may also need to be added).

Spider-Woman does seem to get beat up a lot along the way. Extra REC or healing might be warranted.

Comments appreciated.


Apr 29, 2022 ghostwes · 14

I think Dugan may be too expensive for 3 ATK... going to replace him with Blade. Blade has only 2 ATK but at a cost of 1.

Apr 29, 2022 ghostwes · 14

Err, add Blade as an option, rather than replace Dugan with him. Dugan's ATK can be boosted with his ability. Difficult to get him out reliably, and costly when you do. Will think on this...

Apr 30, 2022 ghostwes · 14

(Don't mind me, having a conversation with myself! Just making some notes for future revisions.)

I've noticed that the main combo only goes off maybe once or twice in a game, if at all, however, the games thus far have been pretty quick in solo. This deck made short work of both Klaw and Ultron (on basic). That was due more to the stuns this deck can generate, and also the cheap and plentiful SHIELD cards triggering Sky-Destroyer damage. I think with a more drawn-out game, the combo is more likely to go off, however, if you never get to that drawn-out game because the villain is defeated too quickly, I don't count that as a failure... the deck is succeeding in spite of the combo.

May 02, 2022 ghostwes · 14

Testing the following changes:

Removing: -Agent Coulson (too expensive, rarely sees play) -Rapid Response (too expensive, rarely sees play)

Adding: -Get Ready -Strength in Numbers x3 -Brains Over Brawn -One Way Or Another -Making an Entrance -Chance Encounter

While this increases the deck size to a ridiculous 49 cards, it also allows more card draw and is cheaper (removed cards cost = 5, added cards cost = 3). With more chance of playing multiple aspect cards, this will allow for more frequent triggering of Superhuman Agility. Brains Over Brawn could be game-changing in tandem with Teamwork/Dugan or Self-Propelled Glide. Additionally, with all of the cheap aspect cards, SW will have an ATK or THW of at least 3 on most turns, even without the Teamwork combo. Get Ready can be use to ready Dugan on the turns when Teamwork is used and he is already buffed to ATK 6 for another attack of 6 by either him. That seems ambitious, but it could be enough damage in one turn from SW and Dugan to put the villain in the ground for good.

Will test and see how/if this improves things...