A Leader Worth Following

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Precon Recon · 630

Welcome back to Precon Recon, the series that looks to make the best beginner decks out of the limited card pool FFG provides us. Today, we're looking at Black Panther, one of the most versatile heroes in the game, and how he may be one of the best leaders Marvel Champions has offered to date. To check down our breakdown of the character from some time ago, head on over here: https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/2710330/1-2-punchboards-precon-recon-black-panther

A Man I Would Follow

This is, by and large, a pretty straightforward deck. You're going to want to mulligan for some allies and _Golden City _to start up while tossing any Band Togethers, as they are a detriment to your early game. Golden City is perhaps the most important card of your deck, allowing you to draw 2 additional cards almost every turn. This will give you insane momentum and allow you to pump out cards at a rate only rivaled by Captain Marvel. You'll want to build your army of allies before anything else, with _Stinger _and Avengers Tower being important elements of building your board. Shuri, while occasionally useful, is your least essential ally, as she messes with many of the buffs your board provides. Still, an ally is better than none, so don't be too picky in the early game.

Once you have enough allies in play, you'll find yourself slapping down many of your more expensive cards, like the two Captains or some of your pricier Supports, without blinking an eye. Your upgrades are likely the last things that need to hit the table, setting up your deck to just spit Wakanda Forever's at you over and over again. Most of your other events are designed to preserve your allies for as long as possible, allowing you to profit off of them repeatedly while never losing your economy.

In time, we do suspect this deck may see some changes, depending on if future Leadership decks could better use a copy of Band Together or if better events make an appearance. For now, though, this is a simple, solid swarm deck that is inevitable within any player's collection. Thanks for stopping by, be sure to let us know your thoughts, and stop by our Discord if you're so inclined: https://discord.gg/xJ78f7vv