Spider-Woman Steady Pop!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Spider-Woman Zen Balance 2 0 1 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Frank_J · 1

Balanced to handle whatever comes out while steadily building up support and upgrades. Developed from playthrough at my local game shop. Top priorities are Jessica Drew's Apartment, Quincarrier, and Finesse. As those cards are established, more pop can be done where it's needed most.


Jun 09, 2022 AshtonLange · 107

Hey homie, I was curious about your minion control. How would you maximize Soider-Women’s aggression side of minion control. Melee, Martial Prowess, cards that tag tough and do overkill/excess damage for example.

I ask because I am working something like that for a balanced thwart/minion control deck for my own games at a local shop haha!

Jun 09, 2022 Frank_J · 1

Allies Brawn and Wiccan are good for small damage while Quake can damage minions through her response. I use Relentless Assault and Hand Cannon for direct attacks, since they have overkill. Otherwise, I use Justice Served and Self-Propelled Glide to ready Spider-Woman and target multiple objectives per turn, whether they be schemes, minions, or the villain.