Nova Force Unleashed-Nova Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

BananaCrapshoot · 4646

Nova is an amazingly fun hero, his core kit is awesome and thematic. The aggression cards he brings add a whole other level to the aspect. I’m super pumped for this official release. So I’m bringing a new build today.

Honestly theres so many ways you can build nova, you can focus on buffing basic stats and readies to get more uses out of the helmet, you can go full event heavy and take advantage of honed technique, or you can go a hybrid build. For me I’m focusing on a very event heavy deck to get lots of mileage out of honed technique. So let’s look at the list and then talk about some choices and strategies.

Allies- Brawn- Great ally for helping control threat and has champion synergy If you build for it

Bug- another great aggro ally for helping control threat and he sticks on the board

Ironheart- too good of an ally not to have plus the champion synergy is there

Snowguard- really versatile ally that can do whatever you need at the time. Also champion synergy

The Locust- champion synergy and let’s us recur aggression cards!

events- Go for champions!- this card is pretty insane. Any champions character in play doesn’t take damage for the round! This includes Allies and consequential damage, Allies and heroes blocking works too. Crazy card, glad it’s a max 1 per deck.

Chase them down- some threat removal for doing things we already want to do

clobber- bounces back to hand makingnits effective cost -1, allowing you to play more things and have to mention honed technique here.

Dive Bomb- our helmet is easy to get and gives us aerial, so with honed technique this card does 11 damage to one enemy and 5 to everything else. that’s insane damage! great single target and AoE burst here.

one by one- this card is good on its own, one cost potential 4 damage, let’s you machine gun down some enemies, honed technique makes it a 1 cost for 6 damage since you are popping each enemy for 3.

Pitchback- I love this card, we will have aerial the whole game and after we attack we get to pay one for another 4 just because!

plan of attack- since we are so event focused I wanted a way to search for and get what events I needed at the time so this really smoothes our our hands, plus it’s 0 cost and a mental resource to trigger honed technique.

Support- champions mobile bunker- nice way to filter our deck to get to key Pieces faster.

upgrades- honed technique- this is the thing, our deck revolves around racing the villain and burning them to the ground as fast as possible, honed technique makes are great cards amazing and are good cards great.

Other possible card choices- team building exercise- economy card but I didn’t feel I needed it in this build

melee- great attack event made even better with honed technique. I cut it for cost since I already has dice Bomb and went with the cheaper one by one option.

No quarter- can get some mileage here for sure but cut for plan of attack moment of triumph- awesome heal card but ended up cutting because card count, go for champions and the forcefield projection and Allies I have enough damage mitigation.

How to play-

we are looking for honed technique ASAP, any cards that let you draw or filter are key early to get to honed technique. Once honed technique is down you can burn fast with the amount of attack events we have access to. There are some crazy turns you can set up with unleash the nova force, honed technique and dive bomb where you nuke a whole board of minions and draw a bunch of cards and get to keep swinging.

once you get set up with honed technique I like Bug and Brawn to handle most of the threat for me, and I play attack events as much as I can and trigger my kickers for my hero events. audacity and the one power of really help keep the deck running smooth so we have enough wilds to keep things moving.

this has been one of the most fun decks I’ve built and played and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do. Thanks for stopping by and as always stay scheming champions


May 25, 2022 celric · 425

I like Plan of Attack. Cool idea.

Team-Building Exercise reduces your allies and your aerial events. What would you cut for that?

May 25, 2022 BananaCrapshoot · 4646

@celric chase them down or clobber probably