Venoms Space Knights

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

gengarwho · 7

get the gang together, probably by ritualing them out with double resources and welcome aboard and the supports so they have a touch extra life

gamora can hit welcome aboard so might be worth attacking first with her on turns where you didnt really want to use Blaze of Glory so you can try and hit "Welcome Aboard" to generate some "resources"

not seen any other dedicated leadership decks buyt knowhere is quite a nice engine and i tried this deck against rhino and went all the way through one and a half stages just because 5 allies plus Blaze of Glory was like a millionty damage

anyway gunna keep messing about, i think Yondu is probably stinky if im not boosting his attack power so may swap out for something more useful

Make the Call could also be interesting here as between flash setup ability and gamora/cosmo you fill the yard pretty quickly