Spider-Stun, Gun, Draw!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AshtonLange · 94

This deck is a refined solo deck. It packs a punch, has a low cost curve, and can be played to cycle cards effectively, mitigate threat, and deal medium amounts of damage. Takes a bit of time to get rolling but with combat training and heroic intuition you sit at a solid 2/2/1.

Spider-Women’s ability means you will likely always be sitting around a boosted 3/3/3 without these upgrades, 4/4/3with them, as I have found it quite easy to play two different aspects nearly every turn. This is insanely good when partnered with Self-Propelled Glide to ready and attack/thwart a second time, this also works well if you combo Toe to Toe to do extra an extra 5 damage.

The goal here is to get out your upgrades and either Quincarrier/Finesse to generate some extra resources while using Assess the Situation to artificially increase handsize. Allies are mainly present to draw, block, or stun. Nick Fury and Ironheart serve to cycle faster and Mockingbird/Spider-Girl push stun/confusion.

I would not recommend this deck for minion heavy engagements such as Ultron, but it is a solid overall deck that can do well in many areas, but can be improved to excel in specific ones.

Let me know if this deck inspires you, or if you have any suggestions for improvement.